For Volunteers, Girl Scouts and Caregivers
Our Social Media Toolkit provides information and tools for volunteers and troops, as well as families, to raise awareness about the Girl Scout Cookie Program. It’s social media planning made simple!
Action steps to help you get started — and get sharing:
- Make your promotion tasks easy by following Girl Scouts - Diamonds on Facebook and sharing our posts on your profile. Personalize your shares with information specific to your troop if you are a volunteer, your Girl Scout if you are a caregiver, or your own activities if you are an older Girl Scout.
- Use the generic graphics provided to make your own posts. Check out the Girl Scout Giphy channel to make your posts Extra!
- Invite girls to join you in brainstorming ideas for social posts that get the attention of cookie fans.
- Take the opportunity to celebrate your troop’s achievements on social media.
2024 Social Media Toolkit Coming Soon!