Girl Scouts – Diamonds Council is divided into over 40 geographic areas known as Service Units. These areas are managed and staffed by volunteers and have three primary functions:
- To deliver and extend the Girl Scout program to all girls grades K-12 in all socioeconomic, religious and ethnic groups within the jurisdiction.
- To give ongoing support to adults who work with girls.
- To offer and promote opportunities for troops in the Service Unit.
Service Unit Meetings
Service Unit team members and troop representatives meet several times throughout the year to share ideas, receive training, and talk about important announcements. Service Units may organize events such as community-wide service projects, summer day camps, family events, Cookie Rallies, World Thinking Day celebrations, and Award ceremonies.
Most service areas meet monthly during the school year and all troop leaders are encouraged to attend. If a troop leader cannot attend, a member of the troop committee should attend.
During meetings, troop leaders may network, give input about service area program opportunities for troops, and receive information from council staff.
Volunteer Position Descriptions
Each volunteer holding a position with a service unit and/or troop must sign the volunteer position description for each position held for the Girl Scout year. Please contact your volunteer specialist for the most up-to-date position descriptions.