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older girl volunteer standing in the middle of six daisy girl scouts
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Two girls with their arms around each other's shoulders
Girl Scout Grade Levels

Whether she's moving up to second or twelfth grade, she will have a ton of fun. Get to know the next Girl Scout level.


Girl Scout Experience Testimonials

I joined Girl Scouts as a Brownie in Yukon, OK and when I joined, there was not a Daisy level. I was a Girl Scout through my Senior year of high school and then became a troop leader. I joined the Mount Magazine Council in 1974 and am still active in Girl Scouts today. I served as a staff member with the Girl Scouts – Diamonds Council for 8 years as a Membership Specialist and Customer Care Coordinator, now my granddaughter carries the Girl Scouting tradition. My oldest daughter (Layne Curtis) was in Girl Scouts as a child, led a troop as an adult, and is now employed with the Girl Scouts – Diamonds Council; you could say it runs in the family! Girl Scouts has been a part of every phase of my life and made me the leader I am and made me unafraid to face new challenges. Girl Scouting taught me to be resourceful, inclusive, and to value friendships. My favorite Girl Scout song is the Brownie Smiles Song. I have such fond memories of tent camping every year with my troop. Because of the impact Girl Scouting had on my life as a girl, I will continue to leave a place better than I found it, and be a sister to every Girl Scout!

Girl Scouts taught me courage and confidence within the Girl Scout world. I learned to teach songs and speak in large groups at Girl Scout events, even though it was difficult for me to do so in most other formats. As an adult, I speak in front of groups now in my business and it doesn't scare me. Even though it's not my favorite thing to do, I do it, and all because of Girl Scouts, I am able to do so.

All of my great friends are in Girl Scouts, and I met in Girl Scouts as a girl. I'm still super close to two girls I went through 12th grade Girl Scouts with.

I learned a lot of songs growing up. My mom used to get sheet music and play some on the piano, and we would all sing along. She used to get cassettes for the car, and we would all memorize them and teach them to others. Change the World was one of our favorites.

Going on many adventures as a girl was so fun. We went camping on a military base every year, horseback riding, went to tons of amusement parks, tried to learn to surf in San Diego at YMCA, the list goes on and on. I was a Girl Scout for 10 years, from 3rd to 12th grade.

As a leader, we too have done many of the same activities with my troop. My older troop graduates this year, and that is bittersweet for me. Just because our girls are aging out, doesn't mean us volunteers do. There is no such thing as aging out as a leader. I started another troop with my best friend Kayla, and we are doing it all over again. The little girls have brought so much joy to my life, and I'm thankful they let me be one of their leaders. Their smiles and hugs are the best!!!

There are many things I'm proud of in Girl Scouts, one of the top ones is being a National Delegate. The honor of a lifetime was being able to represent our council at the National Council Session last summer at Walt Disney World Coronado Springs Resort. Meeting like-minded adults and older girls from all over the country was quite the experience. So much so, I plan to continue attending them, even not as a delegate. The girls, adult volunteers and staff members that attended, I will always be thankful for their friendship. It was an amazing experience. I'm still enjoying being a delegate and doing the virtual meetings with other delegates around the country. GSUSA is listening, our council listens, truly thankful how hard everyone works for all the girls everywhere.

I love the traditions in Girl Scouts. We can meet someone from anywhere in the world who was in or is currently in Girl Scouts, and we instantly have a connection. The sisterhood bond is impactful.

25 years ago, when we moved to Guangzhou, China, our school had an Overseas USA Girl Scouts, but there was no Daisy troop. My oldest daughter, Tiffany, joined the Junior troop, but there was no Daisy troop for Christina.

So what to do... I knew nothing about Girl Scouts, as I was never one as a child, not to mention I was extremely shy. Nether the less, I wanted Christina to be in a troop, so I said I would do it.

This is a picture of my very first troop. We had our uniforms made at the local market. Only 2 of the girls were from America. The others were from France, Spain, Australia and S. Korea.

The next year, the leaders who led the other levels, moved back to the USA. So I moved up to Brownie Leader. Christina loved it so much that she recruited most of her class and then some. I led the younger brownies and Mrs. Potts led the older brownies.

We met after school on Mondays in a couple of classrooms and afterward, the school bus would take us home. There was no one to lead the Juniors, so I led them at my house on Thursdays. After our meeting, I would ride with them into town on the bus to take them home, as I didn’t have a car.

The next year, our family moved to Shanghai. Once again, there was not a Girl Scout leader. So I began a multi-level troop, as at this point Rebecca, my youngest, was also a Girl Scout. We lived further from the school, so doing 2 separate days a week was too difficult, it was easier just to lead all the levels together.

When we moved back to Arkansas, I told myself that I would not lead anymore. My youngest daughter graduated 8 years ago, and I continue to lead. Why? Well, yes, there are never enough volunteers, but the real reason is, I just can’t say no to these girls. 

I have watched a very shy young lady get up in front of the entire camp and sing a song by herself. I was amazed. I watch these girls grow in confidence year after year.  Just this year, one of my quietest girls got up in front of a bunch of troops and did a presentation. My heart was jumping for joy! I watch them giggle and just be girls in a safe environment. I have taken a girl to a water park that had never swum in a swimming pool. I walked with her around the lazy river, side by side, she did it! I was so proud of her.

I have taken girls camping that had never experienced it before, horse back riding, amusement parks, spent the night at the zoo, rock climbing, scuba diving, more camping and on and on…

Some girls, yes, they get to do these things with their families, but some other girls may not have this experience without the troop or without the cookie profits we get. My troop no longer has to pay dues or come up with money for an event. Our cookie profit pays for all of it, and I am so thankful for our cookie customers.

I believe Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character. I see it every time we meet.

How did Girl Scouts help you get to where you are today?

I think Girl Scouts helped me when I was young to feel a part of a group and learn to work as a team.  I can remember all of us had jobs at camp, and we rotated so that each one of us would know how to do all the different jobs.  Anything from learning how to wash our own dishes, to taking out trash, and even digging a hole for a latrine!  All of those jobs are important, yet no one really wanted to do any of them.  We all learned that each one is necessary if we want to go camping, so we all pitched in.  I think that's important in life too - you cannot be above any job that is put in front of you.

What life skills did you learn from Girl Scouts?

In Girl Scouts, I learned how to set goals with the cookie program.  Granted, it wasn't as big back then as it is today, but we still set goals as girls and as a troop.  It's probably one of the skills that has served me best, both personally and professionally.

Did you make friends while in Girl Scouts?

Yes, I absolutely made friends in my Girl Scout troop as a young girl, and even as an adult!  My best friend's mother was my Girl Scout Leader as a girl, and I have the most fond memories of her (she recently passed away).  In many ways, she is the reason I am a leader today.  I remember her always being very crafty and a very good cook!  She always made Girl Scouts fun, and I try to do the same for my own troop.  I've definitely met more people that are like-minded through Girl Scouts, and have even met my best friend as an adult.

Do you remember a specific Girl Scout song, game, or tradition?  

I remember singing Our Chalet.  It was and still is probably my favorite Girl Scout song, and secretly that may be why I always like to stay in the Chalet at Camp NOARK!  I also remember singing Make New Friends.

As a lifelong Girl Scout, my goal is to eventually be a CIT, I would also love to be a counselor at Camp NOARK, then eventually become the Arts & Crafts Director at Camp NOARK. Girl Scouts has helped me gain confidence in myself. Selling cookies has helped me learn how to talk with people, set goals and manage money. I started at a new school this year and didn't know anyone there. The relationships I have built through Girl Scouts helped me find the confidence to go alone and meet new friends. I love my new school. This year, I joined the Teen Advisory Board at the Fayetteville Public Library and have been working on furthering my leadership skills outside of Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts has helped give me the skills I need to be a leader in the community.

How did Girl Scouts help you get to where you are today?/How did GS affect your life – and continue to affect your life?

Girl Scouts gave me the attitude that learning, exploring, and trying new things was part of becoming the best person you can be. That attitude gave me the courage to major in Computer Science, even when people constantly pointed out - "There aren't a lot of girls".

The Promise and Law are guidelines for how to interact with our world, our community, our friends, and ourselves. They weren't dependent on intelligence, athleticism, personality, or talents - anyone could follow them. The tenants of the promise and law are what I want my daughters to be, what I strive to be myself.

What life skills did you learn from Girl Scouts?

When I think about what life skills I learned in Girl Scouts, my mind immediately goes to camp, but not the obvious skills of building a fire, splinting a broken arm, or leave no trace principles. I think of learning how to live and get along with others; spending that much time with your best friends as a tween can be difficult to navigate. Our counselors (and the director) did an excellent job of helping us navigate all that togetherness.

Do you remember a specific Girl Scout song, game, or tradition? Why is it special to you?

Pink Pajamas - to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic
It's special because I remember we had a high school Girl Scout come in and teach us songs and had to sing this over and over to get the tune right. Later when I went to Venture Out 2 training no one else knew it. I sing it for my troop anytime we do songs.

Why Girl Scouts?

There are two reasons. The first is the Girl Scout Promise and Law. These are principles I want to live by, to imprint upon my daughters, and to share with other girls, because I truly feel that is how to impact our world.

The second reason is because I've seen the impact. Even on girls that are only in the program for a cookie season or a year, I can see how sharing in activities, being given choices, having space to be yourself, being told that you can change the world, and collaborating with other girls gives girls a chance to see themselves as more than just girls but as forces that can make a difference.

How did Girl Scouts help you get to where you are today?/How did GS affect your life – and continue to affect your life?

I have been a Girl Scout for 49 years and a staff member for 23 years. It has affected every aspect of my life and made me the person that I am. The phrase “Make the world a better place” inspires me. In my job, I want to make things better for the girls and easier for the volunteers.  Beyond the job, I will stand up for those who can’t and strive to improve the world around me.

What life skills did you learn from Girl Scouts?

There are so many life skills I learned from Girl Scouts.  Speaking in front of a group, teaching others how to do something, engaging with people and working together are all big answers to this question, but one specific skill I learned was how to geocache. I actually learned this as an adult staff member in Missouri when I needed to take over an event and teach it. It became my favorite hobby and is how I met my husband.

Did you make friends while in Girl Scouts?

One of the things I love best about Girl Scouts are the friendships. Whether they are people that you see frequently or rarely, the connections are real and strong. Especially those with people who identify themselves as “camp people.”  I think the scent of woodsmoke and bug spray never truly leaves us, and we gravitate towards each other in any gathering.

Do you remember a specific Girl Scout song, game, or tradition?  I went to a National Convention in the 90s in Kansas City, and local blue's singer Ida McBeth performed a version of “Girl Scouts Together” that hit different. All of a sudden those “rocky and long trails” were not actual trails in the woods, but life’s problems. It was magnificent.

Why Girl Scouts?

In the beginning, it was because my older sister was a Girl Scout and it looked fun. I had FOMO before that was an acronym! But at this stage in my life, it is not fear of ME missing out, it is fear of the girls of today and tomorrow missing out and not having the chance to grow and learn in a fun and exciting environment.

Girl Scouts definitely helped me to build some courage. It was at Camp Butterworth in Ohio that I learned to row a boat. I spent hours rowing around the lake giving "rides" to anyone who wanted them. It was definitely something new for me because I didn't like to be in or around water!

I made lifetime friends in Girl Scouts and still talk to them. My friend Andra and I would have sleepovers and work on Girl Scout badges all night! It was a goal to earn as many badges as we could. A mom in our troop made everyone a vest, I still have mine. The badges were all glued on, so they are starting to fall off, but I've only lost one, and I still have several friendship bracelets we made in Girl Scouts.

I was a Girl Scout in the late 70s and early 80s, and we didn't take pictures like we do today. I have only been able to locate a handful of pictures. Most are of our last trip as a Troop to Washington D.C., my very first time on an airplane! It was memorable seeing all the sights and staying in a hotel room! It was a challenge to raise the funds, but we did it. We didn't have cookie booths back then. All our sales were door-to-door. We also sold calendars!

One of my most memorable events was earning the Marian Award. This is the highest award for a Catholic Girl Scout. We worked for 18 months to earn it and had a huge ceremony at St. Peter In Chains Cathedral in Cincinnati. It was awe-inspiring and left a lasting impression.

Girl Scouts helped me build courage, taught me perseverance and hard work, and most importantly to have fun! I try to instill these same qualities in my Troop today. I believe Girl Scouts helps instill a sense of belonging and camaraderie, all the while learning important life skills.

The song I remember the most from my Girl Scout days is “The Princess Pat” probably because we did all the hand motions too!

I’m proud to be a Girl Scout leader today and to have spent these years teaching my daughter how to be a Sister to every Girl Scout! And I still love putting badges on my vest!

How did Girl Scouts help you get to where you are today?

I owe my leadership skills to Girl Scouts! I learned so much about myself and others through the program. Being able to speak in front of a crowd, advocating for what I believe in, working together to solve a problem were all things I experienced with my troop.

What life skills did you learn from Girl Scouts?

Friendship, sisterhood, responsibility, courage... Love and care for the environment and for others.

Did you make friends while in Girl Scouts?

Absolutely! I met one of my dearest friends during our first Daisy meeting. We’ve been friends for over 30 years!

Do you remember a specific Girl Scout song, game, or tradition?

Some of my favorite songs were Make New Friends, The Princess Pat, Little Green Frog, Singing in the Rain. Some of my fondest memories are when we used our cookie proceeds to travel. We planned trips to Washington D.C., Orlando, San Antonio, Chicago and St. Louis. This was a big deal to us because had it not been for these proceeds, many of us would not haven been able to travel to different states. The picture is me in my Junior uniform before bridging to Cadettes at our Court of Awards ceremony in 1997.

I started Girl Scouts in 2nd grade and continued until I graduated from high school. We used to go camping at Camp Story in South Arkansas, and the sound of the gravel path is one I will never forget. When 200 plus girls are walking to breakfast or to the flag ceremony or to activities. I loved it. My mom bought me a lifetime membership because she said, "you don't ever know, you might have daughters". And she was so right. In college, I looked for a group of girls to give me the companionship I had found in GS. I pledged Chi Omega and found my girls. Once I had daughters of my own, Eleanor was a Juliette her first year, and then I started a Troop. I have loved getting to know my girls and their moms. It's been nice to meet ladies in the same part of life and get to make new friends. One of my newest and dearest friends is a leader in a different troop in Jonesboro. Without Girl Scouts, I wouldn't have nearly as many mom friends!

Girl Scouts is so much fun. There are three different things you can learn in Girl Scouts. How to make friends, how to take care of the world and how to sell Girl Scout cookies are things you can learn.

How to make friends

You can make new friends at your Girl Scout meetings. You can make new friends at Girl Scout events like a boat regatta, cookie con or world thinking day. Some of your friends can be in your troop and some of them will be from a different troop. Girl Scouts helps you make new friends.

How to take care of the world

You can take care of the world by planting flowers for the bees. Girl Scouts can learn these things by earning badges. Badges help us learn to take care of the world. You can learn to recycle, keep lakes clean, make bird feeders out of reused stuff and keep your community clean. You learn these things by being a Girl Scout and earning badges.

How to sell Girl Scout cookies

This year, Girl Scout cookies cost six dollars. There are trefoils, adventurefuls, caramel de lites, thin mints, peanut butter sandwich, peanut butter patties, lemonades, caramel chocolate chip and toast yay cookies. You learn how to deliver stuff to people you do not know. You learn how to multiply by 6 and count change and count money. You can sell up to 1000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Girl Scout cookies are really good.

Girl Scouts is a way to make friends, take care of the world and to sell Girl Scout cookies.