The Girl Scout Trefoil
When you see the trefoil, you immediately think Girl Scouts! The trefoil is the simplest and most recognizable expression of our brand. It can be used without the servicemark in communications where the Girl Scout brand has already been established.
Green is our signature color and the green trefoil should be used in formal settings and for audiences who are unfamiliar with our brand.
The trefoil should never be altered; use it as is! Below are some guidelines for use.
1. Don't use more than one Trefoil in the same application. The service mark does not count toward this application.
2. Don't crop or rotate it.
3. Don't use it as a pattern (exceptions apply for products and packaging).
4. Don't add effects to it or outline it.
5. Don't put text inside, next to, or around the trefoil.
7. Don't crowd the trefoil; it should have clear space (about the same size as the trefoil you are using on all four sides).
8. Don't use it to replace a typographic character or as a bullet.
Green trefoil
White trefoil
The Council Servicemark
- The Girl Scouts - Diamonds servicemark is the final form of our logo, with all its elements. It should not be reassembled or reproportioned.
- Whenever possible, the servicemark with black text and green trefoil should be used. If placed on a green background, the Trefoil should reverse to white and all text should remain black. One-color marks are a last resort to be used only when budgets so demand. If you need something other than the black and green servicemark, please email us.
Girl Scouts - Diamonds servicemark
Note: When scaling (resizing) the trefoil, the servicemark (and any graphic/photo), do not stretch them disproportionately. To keep artwork proportionate, use the corner to drag (not the side) and (in most programs) hold the shift key.